Selenium Java - Course
Selenium 4 Course
Module 1
Java Introduction

In this module, you will learn about the basic concepts of JAVA programming. Selenium Webdriver is a tool which can be used only with the programming language, which makes it very necessary for an individual to learn Java Programming language. Sound scary! Don’t worry, this is why we have designed this course such a way that first we teach you Java and once you get comfortable with it, we will move forward with Selenium WebDriver.

Module 2
Selenium WebDriver - Basics

In this module, you will start learning about the Selenium WebDriver.

Excited! By the end of this module, you will start using the Selenium and automating websites in your project. This module will cover all the basic element interactions, Browser commands, Navigation commands, operations on Checkbox or radio buttons and handling of Alerts.

You will also learn about XPath. XPath is designed to allow the navigation of XML documents, with the purpose of selecting individual elements, attributes, or some other part of an XML document for specific processing.

Module 3
Selenium WebDriver - Intermediate

At times the element is a bit tricky to locate on a webpage. To master the technique it is very much necessary to learn effective ways to find webelments. Here we cover the different Element Locator Dev tools which will make your life easy in automation testing.

There are also few operations which are tricky to perform in Selenium like mouse double click or Drag & Drop. We will learn the use of Actions class to perform different actions.

Module 4
Selenium & Java Advance

This module will be very exciting. Here we will learn about Waits in Selenium. Waits are used to hold the web application for a few seconds/minutes/hours. When web applications navigate from Page A to Page B then Selenium should wait till the browser loads Page B completely.

Along with waits, we will also learn to Handle multiple windows and Alerts.

Module 5
Module 5 - TestNG Framework

In this module, you will learn about TestNG. TestNG is an open-source testing framework that provides more flexible and powerful tests with the help of Annotations, Grouping, Sequencing, and Parametering. In TestNG, HTML reports can be produced, Parallel testing can be performed, Test cases can be prioritized, and data Parametrization is possible. You will also learn about Cross Browser Testing to enable you to work with different browsers.

Module 6
Java OOPs Concepts

With this, we will also develop our understanding on Java Advance topics like Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Inheritance.

Module 7
Framework (POM, Data Driven and Factory Design Pattern)

In this module, you will learn about the Page Object Model and Page Factory. It is a design pattern that is used to create an Object Repository for Web UI Elements. Page Object Model includes Page classes, which finds the Web Elements of that Web Page and contains Page Methods that perform operations on those Web Elements. Page Factory is an optimized way to create Object Repository.

TData-Driven is also the most basic requirement when it comes to Automation. This module also covers the same with the help of the Apache POI library..

Not just this, you will also learn to make use of Factory Design Pattern to read the Project Configurations.

Module 8
Framework (Logging, Reporting and Creating Utilities), Resume Preparation

The most important feature of testing is Reporting. Without reporting, there is not much sense of automation. This module will have all the details of reporting. You will be using the Log4J library to generate logs and Extent reports for publishing reports.

There are multiple utilities created in any framework. We will learn to create helper utilities like taking Screenshot etc.

Hands-On Selenium Online Assignment
Successful completion of Selenium certification with these assignments makes you more effective.
Live E-Commerce Project

Live examples and Live project help us to simulate real-time problems for our students. We have custom websites and webpages ( and especially developed to teach key concepts required for a professional level understanding of Selenium Webdriver.

Home Assignments for Practice Automation

Live examples and Live project help us to simulate real-time problems for our students. We have custom websites and webpages ( and especially developed to teach key concepts required for a professional level understanding of Selenium Webdriver.


We are also giving away the following session recordings so that you have an edge while climbing the success ladder:-

  • Jenkins
  • Git
  • Selenium Grid